
I’m sorry to tell you, but yes, we’re old... I remember when the NES was new. I remember when the internet didn’t exist. I remember when Windows didn’t exist. I remember... the 80s....

The games has a Terms of Service, which clearly states that if you cheat you will lose your game license. They were warned, they still choose to cheat, it’s not the developers fault that people spent money and chose to risk losing access to the game anyway.

My issue isn’t with the operating system itself, it’s with the Terms of Service that are tied to it. I don’t want to give Microsoft permission to unknowingly and periodically scan my HDDs and then potentially lock out my windows key if they find something they don’t like, or to sell the information of what I have

I rather disliked the first two; didn’t even play them both for more then a couple hours each, but I’ve got 117 hours in The Witcher 3 and loved almost every moment of it. The combat is great, the characters are great, and the world is amazing and so detailed so as to feel almost real at times. I highly recommend it,

This movie seemed interesting before, now I HAVE to see it XD

I’ve actually been lucky and had no issues at all with DS3 on PC, though I did start as the Knight class, which I’ve heard avoids a lot of those issues for some reason anyway :/

“The quick-turn is a slightly more abstract tool and people didn’t use it as much [in Mirror’s Edge]...”

Ah, okay, that makes more sense now :)

Really? My GPU alone cost over $400 CAD, and it’s only a 970. My PC cost me EASILY over $2500, and that laptop build is stronger then my PC in nearly all respects (Obviously I have a larger PSU and HDD capacity).

*Headdesk* This is not how we evolve as a society.
You don’t remove the sexualization of women, you equally sexualize the men; don’t be exclusive, be inclusive.

I actually have First Nation Status... I’ve heard a lot about it happening, but it’s not something I’ve ever experienced in my area before :/

I actually have First Nation Status... I’ve heard a lot about it happening, but it’s not something I’ve ever experienced in my area before :/

Even then it’s not the same, not where I live anyway. Here, it’s not so much racism as it is xenophobia because it was a rather whitewashed area until a few decades ago (and yes, I know they’re not that different, but there are subtle differences), though the people leading our government until recently certainly did

The moldy looking spot on the wood that looks kid of like a face? Or am I missing something that’s in the shadows because of my monitors highly reflective screen :S

Are you talking about the “person” in the doorway? Nothing in that image seems out of place to me >.>

Maybe it’s because I live in Canada, but seeing all this stuff about how the USA seems to treat it’s non-white people is always really shocking and weird to me. Like, I can’t even imagine living in that world because it’s so forign to how things appear where I live, even though we’re so close geographically :S

I love this song and this part of the game so much XD Thanks for making my morning that much better x}

When I search Hola Unblocker in Firefox’s addons, I don’t get a result :/ Would certainly be useful though if I could find it.

Apparently I’m ready, with my $2500 gaming computer that I bult myself over the course of years :/