
Which is all good in theory, assuming Microsoft takes the time to properly curate the games presented to help prevent some of the debacle that’s been happening on Steam lately.

This explains so much!

Ah, nice :)

I love that this looks like Korra, even if it’s not explisitly supposed to be.

I might have to buy a Vita just for this game. Everyone else I know who owns a Vita thinks I’m dumb for loving everything about what I’ve seen of Dancing All Night and refuses to let me buy it so I can play it on their Vita’s, lol.

I didn’t know that this show existed until just now. I think I should give it a watch if what the internet says is any indication of how good it is.

Are they not turning off the dumb hair thing? I was getting fairly low frames until I turned it off. Once I did though, the game runs rather well even on my 7970.

That was just amazing. Perfect music in my opinion.

I was just trying to point out the absurdity of someone implying that watching sports on TV is somehow more conductive to Americans getting exercise then watching video games on TV. PLAYING sports would certainly be a different thing altogether, but watching and playing are two very different things.

And sitting on your couch watching physical team sports does?

I really liked the first movie; one of my favorite “horror” movies. The second one didn’t capture the same magic for me though.

Now I know I have to see this movie. It look absolutely hilarious to me XD

Such beautiful colors.

Oh... Now I feel like an idiot, lol. I honestly didn’t even notice the tattoo until I read your reply :P

Episode 2, when they’re trapped in the arena.

For me it always seems like I get invaded by people who do nothing but invade, so it’s ALWAYS a very close fight. I don’t think I’ve ever had an invasion where it seemed like I was more powerful or skilled then them; if I survive at all, it’s usually by the skin of my teeth, hence the adrenaline.

I got super lucky when I was playing, because I wanted that armor too. I managed to summon in another player who understood that I was trying to kill Smough first, and he tanked Super Ornstein really well for me once we entered the second phase.

You skipped one feeling that always gets me, likely because it’s not technically a boss. Oh man, every time I get invaded by someone, and I KNOW that I suck at PvP, and I (by some miracle) actually managed to defeat the invading player, and I just sit there shaking from the adrenalin for a few minutes before I find a

I spent 15 minutes running in circles with my Charr just laughing at the noises he was making :)

Not featured is the amazing sound effects your character made as you ran around with your arms out.