
Such beautiful colors.

Oh... Now I feel like an idiot, lol. I honestly didn’t even notice the tattoo until I read your reply :P

Episode 2, when they’re trapped in the arena.

For me it always seems like I get invaded by people who do nothing but invade, so it’s ALWAYS a very close fight. I don’t think I’ve ever had an invasion where it seemed like I was more powerful or skilled then them; if I survive at all, it’s usually by the skin of my teeth, hence the adrenaline.

I got super lucky when I was playing, because I wanted that armor too. I managed to summon in another player who understood that I was trying to kill Smough first, and he tanked Super Ornstein really well for me once we entered the second phase.

You skipped one feeling that always gets me, likely because it’s not technically a boss. Oh man, every time I get invaded by someone, and I KNOW that I suck at PvP, and I (by some miracle) actually managed to defeat the invading player, and I just sit there shaking from the adrenalin for a few minutes before I find a

I spent 15 minutes running in circles with my Charr just laughing at the noises he was making :)

Not featured is the amazing sound effects your character made as you ran around with your arms out.

Go log into Guild Wars 2. I think it's amazing what they have going on for April Fool's Day right now. I spent 15 minutes just running in circles laughing. And make sure you die at some point too; it plays special music!

That episode of Futurama totally made me cry at that part; the visuals mixed with the song they played were just to much for me.

I accidentally found it on the first day that Cata was released and before it had been talked about online, so I had no idea what it was about going in. I was laughing so hard by the end that I was in tears.

And then I punched him in the face!

Those short stories are what made the game for me, that and the funeral scene. Not many times that I've cried while playing a game, but I did several times with Lost Odyssey; such a beautifully written set of stories and characters.

First time I got into the time machine, and I was just so curious about what would happen if I went to 1999AD.... Didn't work out to well, lol.

The first time I went to fight Lavos, and the second phase starts off with a dark room and that creepy breathing....

I'd pay to see that.

I love you if only for posting that image :)

I'm glad there is a wireless option at least since I don't know what I did with my SD card reader for my PC.

I'm still rather impressed by the dancing scene since it's usually really hard to animate such specific motions in a way that looks nice.

"only to succumb during the frantic, fumbling desperation of some dark night when I'm bored and have been drinking a little."

I have bought so much random stuff online like this; I need to stop drinking when I'm bored!