@ggp9690: The only issues I've had on the 360 version so far are a few cases of creatures walking animation getting buggy on slopes, and one case of my guns not being visible until I went into the menu to equip one directly; not exactly anything game breaking.
@merc-ai: lolz, you little pic is Frank :)
@Static Jak: I loved this one so much; if only it weren't just a dream...
@monkeymaguire: THAT'S what it was about!
@TheNewDemoman: I don't think it's so much that you hate Ninja Gaiden as it is that Ninja Gaiden hates us all. Why do those damned dogs throw exploding shurikuns? They don't even have hands!
@WolfRogers: Well, "I" like the Desmond parts, lol. But I never played Bloodlines, so I was unaware of how these 'in between' games go. Good to know though that Brotherhood will likely focus completely on Ezio; he is pretty awesome :)
@WolfRogers: Don't you mean 'continue the story of Desmond?'
@twinturbo2 would like his Kotaku star back: And that's why it's a challenge :)
@twinturbo2 would like his Kotaku star back: But that's what made it fun/challenging! If she's not retarded, then the game will practically play itself.
@psycoking: Dude, they're some of the best games to hit anything, not just the PS2. It's funny how just today I mentioned to the person who is soon to be my roommate that I might buy a new copy of Shadow since she owns a PS2.
Finally! Yay!
@FlagshipFighter: I always thought that calling a female actor an actress was sexist. After all, it's not like it's got 'man' in the title or anything.
@ViciousAeons: All our first born children will be taken away in the night.
@Myrddon: Sweet :D
@Bawb - The One, The Only, The Builder: He's quite reliable, though a little bit eccentric.
@Wade McGillis: Yay!
@Wade McGillis: Could you please translate the above article into Basic for those of us who can't read Jawaese?