
They really need to force Mary Wiseman to lose weight. There’s no way Starfleet would allow obesity for active service personel.

So someone got covid and can’t shake it.

This man’s life is now ruined. This shit doesn’t go away.

I’ve been having wet dreams about a 1928 Ford Model A Tudor rebuildt as an electric.

Or YumYum Beef. But they discontinued that and replaced it with a non palm oil variant with freeze dried spices which tastes like shit.

Standard white rice, hacked up sausages (fried) and bearnaise sauce (the freeze dried add water stuff).

You should tell your aunt that sweet potatoes will kick her off that keto on the first bite.

If your mash is flavourless, you’re doing it wrong.

At first I thought you mean aspic, which is delicious, but that’s not vedgiebased.

Night of the living dead.

There have been plenty of diesel wagons. Just because they’re not sold in USA doesn’t mean they don’t exist. Most of them are better than the Passat.

It’s perfectly normal for fastfood joints. They might not advertise it, so just ask for it.

You know you can just ask for it bunless, right?

My Kei-car would barely fit through that.

Why would I buy a 8 piece collection of a 10 piece set? And there’ll be even more parts coming.

Why would I buy a 8 piece collection of a 10 piece set? And there’ll be even more parts coming.

Charmed is the show that made me hate timetravel.

Most western countries donate enough money total to end world hunger. The problem is that this money is going to the corrupt people who is causing the hunger in the first place. The world is funding world hunger.

Ana de Arma is the only viable replacement for Bond.

The mini peanutbutter cups is far superior to regular size cups.

Sour cream (18%), or Peanut satay.