
So what you’re saying is that you’re too fucking stupid to bag your groceries.

So I’m guessing you grew up with a lactose intolerant mother who didn’t know semihard (and harder) cheeses don’t have lactose?

The new owners of Domino’s in Norway partnered with a “gourmet chef”. He’s not gourmet, just a spoiled, pompous ass.

Do your research and shop specifically for PS5-compatible drives if you plan on buying one.

You’re assuming Butler has taken lessons.

If Disney has the balls to scam Scarlett Johansson, one of the biggest stars in the world, how many unknowns from their cookie cutter productions have met the same fate?

Did you know, the medium soda cup at Burger King will fit the same amount of soda as the large?

We are committed to ensuring fair gameplay across our game portfolio

I met a guy at a streetmeet who had rebuilt his van’s back bench with subwoofers (pointing up) under each seat.

There’s no fish in sushi, either. Sushi literally means sour rice.

1 small bunch cilantro

There’s a wheelchair user in Norway that has “LOLLEGS” (max 7 symbols allowed) on his Tesla.

There’s a Tesla running around in my town (in Norway) that has “MUSK” on its plates.

Just because Jamie Lynn haven’t spoken publicly about her sister, doesn’t mean she’s ignoring it.

If you can install mediaplayers, this could be a dangerous player against Switch.

I avoided Rema 1000 for five years, after they announced they would drop half of their carried products, claiming it would increase the selection of products (it didn’t).
Norway already have the worst grocery selection in the western world.

Slideshow fluid? Is it like blinker fluid?

What’s that green liquid, though?

So if she didn’t have a beautiful smile, you wouldn’t hope she got home?

Hey, look! We got the CSI expert over here!