
You should check out Joe’s Mango Lemonade.

Another gorgeous bottle.

Pasta waste does not come from uncooked pasta. It comes from cooked pasta, since it’s impossible to make the supposed amount you need. You make enough to feed an army and their mothers.

Everything has this. HDMI Link is just Sony’s name for CEC. And it’s not your console that’s setting the input, it’s the TV when it receives a I-am-alive signal from the console.

As in memory foam? Or user position memory?

I swapped out the old halogen bulb in my dome light with a fresh LED one from Wish. They lied on the description. It’s not 400 lm, it’s 1000 lm. I basically have a 60W bulb in my car.
I love it.

That sounds like something that needs an mechanic’s attention.

This. So much this. I don’t want a car that’s in a gray scale. I want something that pops.

These are actually illegal in Norway, as it’s illegal to use bulbs in a housing that’s not made for it.

I really wish these books would use ingredients that are globally available. Only thing I can get for this is the cucumber and jalapeño.

So you muricans just refuse to use a measurement that makes sense, huh?

The Blind Side.

Fish is not part of cats’ natural diet, except for the very few that evolved to fish. Which is none of the housecat breeds. A cat that eats sriracha is probably dead soon.

If your cat is eating greens, it means they have issues with their gut. You should probably change their feed.

Spaghetti isn’t a dish. It’s an ingredient.

Only thing I remember from Q4 is getting my legs sawed off in the opening.

Will it be another upscale like RE3, that’s still at AAA price on PSN?

This is something that annoys me.

My mother’s mother-in-law does this, and has been doing it for decades. That way “she doesn’t have to dry the dishes manually.”

Plastic containers do not go in the dishwasher, regardless what the symbols say.