
Anything that requires cilantro/coriander. If I wanted my food to taste like soap, I’d eat a bar of soap.

state attorney general consumer affairs division’s lead attorney

How the hell did Best Korea get COVID-19? There’s no travel in.

Whedon isn’t angry about FOX’s treatment of Firefly. He got exactly what he wanted. He was the one who sabotaged it. He’s the one who forced FOX to air it out of order, by shooting in forced widescreen. They told him they needed him to keep the shots in 4:3 because they weren’t ready to air in widescreen yet. He

Title should be “Pokemon Go devs have punished a shit ton of disabled people and people in rural areas”.

Christians are some of the most hatefull people around.

So only men can indulge in erotica?

controversial Harry Potter game Hogwarts Legacy

As someone who has changed a few hundred thousand wipers; amount of wiper arms damaged from pointing them up on a windy day: 0.
Amount of wipers, arms and motors damaged from freezing stuck to the screen: a lot.

Catherine is the stereotype child of owner that’s brought in to give new life to the place despite not knowing what the fuck she’s doing. Her problem is that she doesn’t know how to interact with her new workplace. Her crap might’ve worked at Silicon Valley, but a racetrack isn’t Silicon Valley.

Aren’t those illegal?

McDonald’s needs to stop with this “select locations” and “participating venues” bullshit. Release items globally.

“Was it for a restaurant?”

You should watch Hairy Bikers’ Asian Adventure. They show how the chinese make sweet and sour sauce. It’s ketchup and pineapple juice and bits.

Except BMI only factors height and weight. A bodybuilder will be morbidly obese on paper when BMI is used to determine obesity.

Most Kei vehicles use surplus parts from better models. Daihatsu have several models that’s basicly smaller versions of Toyota’s bestsellers.

Everything about this girl’s looks tells me there’s nothing but air between her ears.

Try those magic sponges. If you get streaks with that, you’re doing it wrong.

I do when it’s -20c outside.

Or just use screen cleaner and its accompaning cloth.