
So you bought a car from the former police chief, found a random sealed pipe with wires coming out of it, and decided to use a hammer on it.

Only the nozzles are taken off now to be cleaned. The rest if cleaned by the machine itself.

The machines don’t break down. They stall during the cleaning process, and all you need to do is to reboot it and do the cleaning again (takes another 4 hours).

In Norway, a footlong sub at Subway is 16 USD, rough math used to convert. And that’s just the sub, no menu.

Alec is entitled to the car as advertised. Alec may sue the dealership. The dealership may sue Tesla.

There are 18 different Undercover Boss outside USA. Including France, which is named Patron Incognito.

How’s life in the 1960s?

So the new generation Xbox Sex is basicly Xbone X v2. So only Sony will have a new generation out, just like with 360 and PS3.

See headline.
Think; “yay, finally news about more Horizon content!”
It’s just another shitty art post with a shitty clickbait headline.

No, it’s a cheap LED replacement for the halogen T10 I bought on Wish. 10 for 2 USD. Figured I’d buy a proper pack if it looked good over the winter. Now I have to do it during winter.

It would be PS1 and PSX all over again. (PSX was the official name for the PS2.5, and its functionality was basicly PS3)

Except everyone pronounces it like “wee”, as in piss.

The left side parklight is broken on my car. I want a new car.

I want Lost Odyssey on PC, PS4 or Switch. I’m not buying a Xbone or SEX just to replay one game.

A friend of mine’s lifepartner has a cousin who is in a live-in relationship with his adopted sister. They share a one bedroom apartment with one bed.
Their parents haven’t figured it out. Everyone else has.

Neither marinara nor carbonara are sauces for spaghetti. Both sauces requires pasta with a wide surface area.

Everybody deserves a living wage. But ...

Death Stranding players will benefit tremendously from this. Getting to drive or run with a lot of cargo with just one hand will allow the player to grab a smoke, a drink and/or food without stopping.

Why are american cars so fucking huge?

They’re bragging about 1 year warranty. 1 year warranty equals shitty product.