
Well, it’s hard to argue with that, except for pure pride.... That and the newly found knowledge that I could turn down the difficulty. Where were you 6 years and 600 hours ago? :-D

thats some nasty brick weed

Here’s a thought: maybe wait until your broken game is no longer broken until you make it into an esport.

I don’t give a fuck what Elway says I want this motherfucker on the Broncos.

*hippie voice*

The road is only a suggestion, man.

how do you know he hadn’t done that privately with the person in question

wait so, what was he supposed to do? like after the lawsuit was settled was he just supposed to stop snowboarding forever and go live in a cabin in the woods or

Honest question - would this story have been written if he did not win gold? It seems like there was ample time to discuss White in the lead up to the games. I am not defending him, I don’t personally have any affinity for the guy, he kinda sounds like a piece of shit and I know many people that know him and have

Who gives a shit?

Yeah but men dont have the luxury of showing a bare modicum of skin and being showered with donations and subs, they have to actually be entertaining or good at the games they play. It goes both ways.

Take the advice of Warren Buffett. Low cost S&P 500 ETFs. Just read any of the articles on the first page.

If the goal is to reduce the number of people breaking traffic laws (e.g. speeding, tailgating, etc.) then why is the car designed to hide? It’s been shown that a visible police presence leads to lower crime rates. Cops hiding and then jumping out “gotcha!!!” is just a cash grab.

Death by a thousand cuts. I’m confident that, with 50 eagles and 10,000 rats, everything else would be quickly overwhelmed and destroyed. The only concern would be the crocodiles... I’m not sure if the birds can do enough damage to kill them.

I’m guessing the NBA “last two minutes” report will spend multiple sentences on why this play was legal, while ignoring the shove under the basket that made it possible.

richardson has done more for black americans, mexicans and women than most nfl owners, as seen by his diverse employment practices. he’s done more than owners of companies who claim to be not racist, but yet almost their entire staff is white (i.e. deadspin.)

Why not just adjust the temperature control?

I take it he’s on bottom?

“Predictive algorithms just don’t get me”

4-6 years? Seriously? No team in the NBA projects to be good in 4 to 6 years, way too long a time period with too many variables.

Bad take coming through.