
That’s honestly the most terrifying part of this story to me. Kids don’t listen. You could go on and on about guns and what they mean, what they’re for, why it’s dangerous to handle them, and still there’s nothing stopping your kid from ending up dead at the hands of someone else’s weapon.

We need a separation between Church and Golden State

I know you’re making a point by not saying Amazon but I’m not understanding what it is? Also agreed twitter’s implementation was horrible

Yeah I came into the same problem where I put probably in the range of 10-20 days in each of the call of duties up until BO3. The difference between playing 100 hours and playing 100 hours to try and get some gun is that for that entire time you’re getting killed by people with that same gun you’re trying for. It

What’s up with the “everyone leave the dugout and meet him at the plate” bullshit like it’s a walkoff homer?

Hospital Worker Guy is my new hero. I would love to buy that guy a beer.

While I don’t find the kardashians particularly attractive, the idea that theyre fat to anyone is bizarre to me. Anorexia just doesn’t appeal to me either.

I bought my wife the 12-oz can model on a whim. It works amazingly well and completely replaced her iced-drink-glasses.

I bought my wife the 12-oz can model on a whim. It works amazingly well and completely replaced her

Sickening in what way?


Going to try to be as careful as possible here, but while he should be able to compete in the boys division without everyone losing their shit, don’t those parents have a point that someone on testosterone maybe shouldn’t be able to wrestle girls?  

Consider this: Warriors in the 3rd outscored EVERY quarter of last weekend’s victorious and undefended West All Star team.

I wish I was rich enough to be a showy asshole not just a regular poor asshole.

Counterpoint: the Uncle Drew ads are fine.

I laughed, then I went back and watched it again 50 times. Idk man looks like 2 steps

Actually think the Falcons feel more like 04 Eagles or 08 Cardinals, a team that missed their one shot and faded from history. Shanahan leaving clouds things. Plus the NFC will only get tougher. Dallas will get stronger, Green Bay and the Seahawks will threaten, the Eagles and Bucs will improve. Even in that division,

I don’t care for Duke or Allen, but that play is exactly nothing like the intentional trips he made earlier in the season. Come on.

Disagree. As a native North Carolinian, I'd have to say my hatred for New Jersey and Pennsylvania are much greater than any for South Carolina. SC is our cousin, abet the "special" cousin. Jersey and PA are the interlopers, moving into our state at an alarming rate. The loathing I have for all the stupid Steelers fans