
How cute!

Love my 225i cans and use them in my studio every day, but i wonder when Grado will look at adjustable tensioners in the headband.

That post was the B's Nees. +1

It's a real Snoop Doggy Dogg world sometimes Red Sox fans, it's a shame it seems like the Yankees have complete free rain on the free agent world. Cheer up though for all intensive purposes with the length of the contract in could be a blessing in the sky.

I didn't bother to check the score, but is it possible the refs on the game just needed an excuse to cover the spread, like in the real NBA?

Does this "puritan morality" mean XBox will penalize me for taking bong rips at halftime?


Will I get a tech for yelling "BALL DON'T LIE"?

I freaking LOVE this. Battlefield/Call of Duty, the ball is in your court. Whenever someone says "fag" "gay" "noob" etc. make them run around naked and unarmed for ten minutes.

I wasn't there, obviously, so I don't know. But I heard it was a different suspect altogether.

For once, the portrait filming was not the worst part of a featured Deadspin video.

How dare Deadspin tarnish the integrity of the league that brought us the Black Sox, Pete Rose, Barry Bonds, and every player who taught our kids to chew tobacco, pop greenies, inject steroids, and bang groupies on every road trip?

Bob Costas says: "The Hall of Fame voting process has come under increased scrutiny over the last decade. Deadspin's vote purchase writes an interesting new chapter in this institution's history book."

I'm hoping the @deadspin editors actually complete their "bought" Hall ballot themselves. The age 10-12 demographic should be represented.

"hrumph, baseball, hrumph, my job writing is important, hrumph"

This just in: Ted Williams is a head on the early Deadspin ballot.

I could care less what old-school writers think. Newspapers aren't even relevant anymore.

Just hoping he isn't credited with half a sack.

Mein Kampf, by Adolf Hitler.