
Agreed, the satellite thing was stupid (obv satellites laugh at car speeds) and detracted from the actual car footage.

So did Peyton, yet no-one is calling him out. I guarantee you if the tables were turned, he would be getting crucified.

Ohhh man this is too rich.

Holy s***, does EVERYONE in the media expect him to just kiss every defensive player’s ass after a loss? Get over it. His team lost. He was undoubtedly physically and mentally exhausted. He was hit more times than one can count. He has a right to express himself how he wants to, whether you agree with it or not. And

Nice bathro...oh.

Nice bathro...oh.

Fuck duke and fuck you.


This seems like the answer.

Seen this?


Definitely a decent dessert drink, but the artificial flavor really starts to stand out after a few gulps.

Plus, imagine the sound system you could create on your own with that budget.

Can you imaging what the penalty would have been if those students were caught smoking pot?

I've always been told at aquariums that otters are the dogs of the aquatic world (very playful, interactive) but this is the first time I've actually seen one as a pet.

Happening to me too. Very frustrating, wish I could actually use it without it crashing 5 seconds after I start it.

Thanks, will do.

OP or anyone who's used both, how does this compare to pushbullet? I downloaded the latter from the other week's recommendation and have fallen in love. If this one is any good, I'll give it a try.

Eastern NC resident here - hurricane Floyd should have a much bigger zone than it does on this graph. I think the creator forgot to take into account that a previous hurricane - Dennis - had already saturated the area weeks before Floyd, setting up Floyd to cause massive flooding and water damages.

Wait, I think Snowden did give a fuck, no?

Your point is pretty clear here: greed ultimately leads to increased prices to the consumer. We are the ones who get punished, not the corporations.