...except, as a sixth grade teacher, about 50% of my students have pain when writing. Every fricking kid with pain has a terrible grip. And now it’s too late, unless they’re determined to change.
...except, as a sixth grade teacher, about 50% of my students have pain when writing. Every fricking kid with pain has a terrible grip. And now it’s too late, unless they’re determined to change.
That is 100% a coupe. It has two doors. End of discussion.
Those might be Decent Tourers.
Personally, I’m tired of what he thinks is a quirk. This magnificent car’s lack of Bluetooth would blow his millennial little mind. (What I’m getting at is his almost complete lack of perspective.)
Definitely a weekend warrior that’s probably best for driving on saturday saturday saturday...yeah saturday’s alright
True: How many porsches have been sold by significant others saying “But sweetie, it’s got 4 seats”. 4 seats = wholesome family outings. 2 seats = dirty weekend with home wrecking bimbo.
I do to, and thats why i like it.
... and fuck it, make it a tallboy!
Gram, not Twitter, Old.
more places need to block social media
Children can’t complain on twitter, so they perfect for exploitation.
Yeaaaah... as soon as I saw that commercial, I knew there was going to be a LOT of blowback.
I’m 37, from seattle, went to a catholic high school and I was straight up taught the civil was was fought because “states rights vs central authority”.
No. You still have to go get it, which a lot of people won’t do, can’t do, and won’t spend money for someone else to do. Especially since you can’t really see the car ahead of time.
just wait for the COTD
Good riddance. Prancing around half-naked is a man’s job.
While I did see a brief reference, and hopefully didn’t miss more - one concern I’d have would be insurance. Having an inexperienced person come to your garage, rent it out, and then proceed to drop a car on their chest - how are you protected from a homeowner perspective?