down syndrome. edwards syndrome. a few others i cant remember. yes, not good. but why do you bring it up?
down syndrome. edwards syndrome. a few others i cant remember. yes, not good. but why do you bring it up?
more like 1/175,000,000
i didnt say he wouldnt fit. i said he’d have to cram in and his legs would be scrunched. maybe us short guys just are used to fully extending our legs to get the clutch depressed.
an esprit for someone 6ft6? find the wheeler dealers episode and watch edd china try to cram himself in there.
did the manuals come to the US?
gonna be tight for 6ft6. he could cram in there, but his legs will be scrunched up.
i like this suggestion, but can you get something other than a first gen for <35k? and i hear the first gens are really cramped. although, v10!
you NEED to be over 6ft 6 to fully depress the clutch on a 928. i’m under 6 and i have to pull the seat up really close.
ive got 2 of the 4 (in various states of disrepair) in my garage at the moment. :)
cayman might be a tight fit if that 6ft6 height is on a larger frame.
at least toyota will finally win one.
nice writeup stef.
the second guys... that rockchop mentioned. some truly amazing/horrific creations.
this reminds me of that show with the bald guy and indian (maybe indian?) guy in some clapped out garage in london, creating monstrosities and yelling at each other.
good eye.
i think the projection is based on sales of replacements to affected residents.
i wonder if the township is making them get rid of 20/day as well.
vettel has always been a little bitch. it was just hard to notice when he was winning all the time with rbr. that first year of the new engines when rb was not as competitive, he gained some serious humility. but he had something to blame it on. and he was so far off the pace, an ‘argument’ over anything wouldve been…