
It ultimately comes down to the $$$ unfortunately. There's absolutely no reason to not have BC in this day and age and they use poor excuses to cover up their laziness. They only care about supporting new hardware that way they milk more money out of their consumers. They don't care about your massive game library,

Why do people in the industry just not care about backwards compatibility? "Hang on to your 360" that is the most you are going to give us after spending hundreds on games you think we should no longer get to play?

Here's what they need to fix JRPGs:

I've long given up on experiencing another mature JRPG these days. The only one I can think of this gen was Lost Odyssey (Which I loved, and feel is highly underrated). But even it is guilty of these tropes too.

I never spend $60 on games. I wind up playing JRPGs years late when they go on sale at Amazon for $10-20. That helps make it easier to build my collection.

I've actually thought about doing a blog/vlog that involves sequence breaking/glitching games with step-by-step guides, and the technical reason for being able to break the game this way. Sort of like DYKGaming.

Guess I'll have to get off my butt and beat you to the punch, Jason.

Agreed! It's particularly fun to break the games I grew up with/have played a bazillion times like FFIV and FFVI.

Seems like you might have a cool new mini-series in R.E.

Always fun to see how games can be pushed to their limits (recently I read an article about guys trying to find secrets in Shadow of Colossus).

There is just something special about sitting down and being able to really get into a topic & get the journalists full view point on something.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who wishes games made more of an attempt to be inclusive

In any case, trying to switch blame for "my system broke down and I loose all my saves" to "That is your fault, you should have made a backup" is a pretty crappy tactic.

Fun games- I really enjoy the combat like this & Star Ocean. Cool article- I like the discussion of the analogies, Jason.