
What Sarkeesian was talking about sounded like a quota, because, well, it is. "At least half of the options should be women and, really, it would be great if it was more than half the options were women, and I know some people think I'm completely loony when I say that."

All of these things are fair and rational requests to make. Can't see any reason anyone would have a problem with any of them.

Shorter version, if you just want the list of the list of what she says are "Eight things developers can do to make games less shitty for women", paraphrased from my notes... not that a lot of this pertain to action games and probably make more sense if you're thinking about first and third-person shooters, the Arkham

Right, but the problem is that people act on the basis of not reality itself, but rather the conceptions of reality that live in their minds. Those are universally spurious to varying degrees.

I was going to mention that book. Great story—I think I still have the book! There's also a wonderful book called "Salt: a World History" by Mark Kurlansky (which I have on my Nook). The finding and "mining" of salt is as old as civilization so humans have obviously been aware of the body's need for it all along.

Terminology pet peeve time.

So Cruithne is our second moon.

First paragraph on Wikipedia:
It has been incorrectly called "Earth's second moon".[2][5] Cruithne does not orbit Earth and at times it is on the other side of the Sun.[6] Its orbit takes it inside the orbit of Mercury and outside the orbit of Mars


You stay away from Venus, that no good sulfur soak planet will either swallow you whole or spit you out of the entire solar system! I refuse to pull a hohmann transfer and pull another rendezvous to bail you out this time. I just don't have the delta V for that kinda stunt anymore. Also don't compare yourself to

Way to play favorites, Mom. My life choices mean a lot of travel, you know that, and my life IS COMPLICATED. Sorry I can't be my stay-at-home always-show-one-face boring sister who has ONE JOB. Enjoy your tides. Maybe I'll go settle down with Venus and let someone keep the asteroid belt from off your lawn. I hear

conversely we know what happens when you don't get enough water:

I learned all of this as a result of ulcerative colitis!

Of course I don't talk much about Cruithne, I mean she doesn't write, or call, or even keep a stable orbit. She only swings by every 800 years or so when she needs something. Heck, she even threatens extinction level events if she doesn't get her way. As far as I am concern, I only have one Moon.

Well, I didn't go to college until I was 30 and I didn't have insurance at the time or a doctor or anywhere to go for that stuff. haha. I guess I'll bring it up with my PCP next time I have a checkup.

Since I now work in the printing industry that color book is too much like my pantone book.

I have decent feeling in the area of my middle finger injury, though I have a dead patch on the tip of my left index finger from an unrelated knife incident. You'd think I'd learn to quit cooking, but no...

Pepto has turned my tongue black before. It was after a night of the worst, unexplained stomach pain of my life which I had taken some Pepto to relieve, so those two factors coupled together led me to believe I was dying. It looked nothing like that horrifying photo above though.

Thank you, so much. You seriously have made me smile...bless you! :-) My niece said the same thing!

At the moment we're in Miami, but moving back to either Seattle or NYC in two years when my husband's contract is up. And I've seen the stats in Seattle. It's terrifying. All the schools I would want to send my kid to, if not public, have up to 57% unvaccinated students.

What's shitty and cliquish about enjoying a challenging academic atmosphere? 100% of my graduating class when to college—even those in the normal classes were smarter than average and given access to elite academics. Seriously, I can't imagine how awful your high school experience must've been for you to want to force

Ah, so exactly what I thought was lame about pimp my ride was correct. They never actually fixed the car's mechanical defects... except for the one episode where the guys car was so far gone that they just replaced it with a scion.