
Could you try a little less snark? Do you know what would be helpful? If we didn't have a whole lot of shitty science teachers who don't make their classes engaging, the way they should be. 'Native ability' can help a bit, but if you're not made aware of how important scientific fields are, and that your English

There weren't any nude pictures. Is that hard to understand? Pictures of the girl's tummy, of her in a bathing suit and of her running around with only shorts on are being called 'nudity.' It's ridiculously puritanical.


As others have mentioned, it's not the size of the vagina that's the problem, it's the 'having 3 kids' that's the modifier. I'd never purchased jumbo tampons before having a kid, and now that's the way I roll. :\

And that it why we have things called 'booster shots,' which you need to get every ten years or so for the TDaP. So yes, you're vaccinated...but it's lost efficacy, and you need to reup your titres, so get a goddamn booster!

Um...no. It does not work that way at all. Cellulite happens because the way that the skin is anchored to your body changes all the time due to hydration, muscle tone, muscle mass, layers of fat, etc.

Boneless, skinless breasts cook perfectly @ 400/425 for no more than 12-15 minutes, including one turn. They're largely fat-free and don't hold their moisture well, so high heat for a short amount of time renders the juiciest breasts—promise.

Not everyone values money above other more meaningful things in life.

So you're not following the comment thread, and the fact that I replied to Kiki, who mentioned that? It's a side comment, a comment to a comment, and not a comment on the main post.

If the plane suddenly moves: you can hit your head, or fall on someone and cause them injury, you could break a limb, you could break someone else's limb, etc., and if that happens because a flight attended let you move around when you shouldn't have been, then the liability is entirely on the airline.

Want to also bet that they're gun owners and church goers? Anti-sex, but pro-violence...that is something that I still don't understand.

And you're also judging Ohfosho for not wanting to spend $10,000 on a pet? Wtf is up that? That is serious money to a lot of people. A normal, healthy pet is a few thousand dollars a year in food, vet bills and toys, a sudden bill for $10,000 is fucking ridiculous. And you're trying to judge them for being responsible

Seriously, your judgement of their decision not to spend $10,000 on a pet is bullshit. Sincere bullshit.

Bullshit. If you have a severely ill or elderly animal that <i>might</i> make it with intensive treatment or invasive surgery, but it's going to cost +$10,000, it is <i>not</i> ridiculous to think about the cost vs. benefit issue. If it's going to cost more than a newer used car, isn't likely to vastly improve the

That would be ridiculous thousands of dollars in the U.S.

The workers should've called. And called multiple times. And called <i>all</i> of the emergency contacts. When that fails, you call the police and CPS, you do <i>not</i> lock a child in overnight.

You asked "why does the family have a say?" And I gave you an answer.

And the majority of butter produced is neither unsalted nor grass-fed. If people reproducing the Bulletproof coffee recipe are so stuck on their butter criteria, then I imagine that they have similar standards for their MCT oil.

What's baffling about it? This is a normal process for tempering an egg into a sauce; you beat a hot liquid into the lightly beaten egg and it thickens. It also cooks the egg, since egg proteins denature at relatively low temperatures. It's not super thick, as I mentioned, it's more like hot chocolate texture—a little

Oh please...that's not the point and you know it. People take vertical video because they don't know any better. I'm sure this person takes vertical video even when it's calm, cool and collected out. It sucks, and people should be educated as to how to actually take a basic fucking phone cam video. It's ridiculous.