
The “justification” for an abortion is that the patient wants one, period. Your idea of what the “right reasons” (I can only imagine what those are in your worldview) for an abortion matter not one whit to anyone who is not you. Abortion is often PRECISELY for people who want to correct mistakes made in bed that

I’d love to see hear you opinions on lung cancer (from smoking or work place asbestos exposure), preventable heart attacks, broken limbs, or any of the other “irresponsible with X action and are complaining about it.”

I so agree - you know it’s always the women demanding sex in any relationship. plus women are paid more at their jobs than men, and it’s always those poor men who are responsible for buying those expensive birth control pills and remembering to take them. And men usually get stuck with the breast feeding and raising

The decision should be between doctors and their patients. You wouldn’t know why they needed an abortion if they hadn’t shared their stories (well aware they’d get moral judgement from people like you). And that should be the way. It’s normally none of our business. As with all medical issues protected by

Came here expecting a comment from someone who wants a means test before people can f*ck, did not leave disappointed.

i see what you’re saying but why should people with money get to be more irresponsible?

Yes this was some Michelle Obama size shade. Or is it? Shade Court?

The most clever part, to me, was subtly mocking the election coverage - “keep watch on the podium for ‘breaking news’ while some woman stands over there reciting detailed policy proposals.” Pretty huge and deep burn on cable news.

Who the fuck cares if that’s an outdated picture? THE INNOCENT CHILD, WHO DID NOTHING WRONG, IS DEAD. Learn to have some empathy.

You mean except they were called in about black teens drinking? Or that they might have been in an area or neighborhood that had a high percentage of black teens? They expected to find black teens, so they treated them as black teens...

Some 15 year olds have baby faces. This is a pic supplied by the family. I’m sure people are scouring social media as we speak looking for pictures to make the victim look like a gang member. Jordan Edwards sounds like a common name, I’m sure any minute pics of 35 year old Jordan Edwards will be used to defame the

Ummmm not even the cops are claiming they were shot at...

“Krista Rosolino said she didn’t understand why Hamilton was forced off, especially when a passenger on another Delta flight told her that two other passengers on that flight were allowed to use the bathroom while the plane waited on the tarmac.“

His school decided his hair was “disruptive to the educational process.” As a teacher, I can say that what’s truly DISRUPTIVE to learning: Kids who are hungry, tired, abused, bullied, and who go to school run by racists.  

But what do you do when you have the urge to pee after sitting for 30 minutes on a plane that’s on the tarmac when the “seatbelts fastened” sign is activated for the last three hours and after landing the plane has to still wait on the tarmac for an additional 20 minutes waiting for its gate to open?

Not on delta but on numerous flights I’ve seen people going to the bathroom while we are taxing before takeoff. Never seen it become an issue like this.

it sounds to me like the pilot was doing everything they could to not fly that day.

Sounds like foolishness to me. I think it’s unfair, especially when he had initially sat down with the expectation that the plane would be taking off soon. It takes all of a minute to use the restroom (compared to an addtl 30min), so I definitely feel like flight attendant/pilot overexaggerated the entire situation.

In about a decade of teaching, I have never once had a class that I couldn’t teach effectively because of a student’s hair, hat, shirt, shoes, whatever.

Baytown is a shithole. It’s seriously awful. Confederate flags still sell very well there.