Youtube was ruined when Google bought it. Some people like to author content that doesn't require the viewer to watch an ad first.
Youtube was ruined when Google bought it. Some people like to author content that doesn't require the viewer to watch an ad first.
There has not been a system that I have owned since the SNES that doesn't require some sort of peripheral.
There have been countless anime series and manga series since the original manga. It never left, but there was a resurgence in popularity a few years ago.
It's so funny to see so many people jumping to ridiculous conclusions based on a logo.
Other way around, skipping BF3 (and CoD) for uncharted.
The world doesn't need another internet troll.
2 reasons.
Dark Knight Returns was even better than Year One. . .
Well then, I concede.
Correction- Frank Miller is the best Batman comics writer.
It was done by his own people. Libya can be a barbaric place, and he has been doing the same to them for a long time. . .
Sorry, repeating the same tired bullshit that 20 people have said before you in every Kotaku thread about Japanese culture doesn't count as a "joke".
Idiot making the required "Japan is Different" comment? Check.
Seconded. I did like Land of the daed, but Diary was terrible. It seems that now he's just making more movies to capitalize off of the popularity of zombies.
I programmed a Mario-themed proposal for my wife (her favorite games as a child, and still today)
I don't think that one person would refuse getting an extra $10 on a used game sale. Just because they tell you it's worth something, doesn't mean it really is.
I was referring to their used game practices, not buying new. Buying a new game helps everyone.
Especially in a game like this. They are so over the top in every way, but they mosaic the nudity? That's pretty lame.
Just because GS sets up Brick-and-Mortar stores and deals with overhead, doesn't mean they are contributing something meaningful. They are not creating anything. They are not helping anyone but themselves.
I use Glyde and various forums from time to time too, preferring to trade rater than sell/buy. But that isn't who the online pass is combating, the vast majority of the used game market is GameStop, and the Bset Buys and AMazons that have recently jumped on the bandwagon.