
It's only missions where you play as her. It doesn't remove her from Batman missions.

That's kind of my point. Dev costs weren't as big an issue, because they were much lower.

Just have them log in as you.

Why does everyone see this as them locking out content under the assumption that it would have been free?

You should complain about that to the entire history of comic books. . .

You are funny sir.

It has been said that it is 10% of the entire game.

To play devil's advocate, development costs then were a fraction of what they are now for AAA titles.

I've never liked them, for that exact reason. He just seems too overpowered.

Because gamers' main pastime today is bitching on the internet about things the world owes them.

Same way you make a comic book about a character who is basically invincible.

Then click on the links to articles about games, not articles about random Japanese girls.

I think if everyone realizes preorder bonus extras are largely bullshit they will go away.

The only problem with that is that the exchange rate is horrible right now, you would save a lot of money for a couple months' patience.

Yea not really.

Yea, seems like you've been through a lot.

You can keep expecting it, but it won't happen.

I wasn't aware of that. Do you have a source?

I've never seen the android store, but I'm sure it happens there too. And YouTube and every other website that features user generated content.

You can't expect apple to comb through all the assets for the hundreds of apps that go up every day and check each one for copyright violations. Just like pretty much every other industry, it's up to the person being "violated" to bring it to their attention.