I don't know why people are so surprised, this happens all the time. Europeans, especially Germans, are very sensitive to the symbol for good reason.
I don't know why people are so surprised, this happens all the time. Europeans, especially Germans, are very sensitive to the symbol for good reason.
You don't have to bother with an adaptor. The US SNES has a small plastic tab in the cart slot, simply snap that off and you can play all regions.
Yea, you can't really get mad at the mentally handicapped kid who works at McDonald's if he doesn't get your order right.
I think that's his point, these weren't shady managers, it was a corporate policy.
I didn't spend 4 years at Stoner Medical School to be called "Mister".
Not playing a 360 apparently. What other games came out for both Wii and PS3, but not 360?
Odd, seems like it's pretty rare to have a game come out for Wii and PS3, but not 360.
So, if you DON'T smoke pot are you able to come up with clever, intelligent statements like "You go dumb"?
Nothing west of Texas is considered the south.
Not unless California is a part of the south now.
While momentarily blinded by your spectacular grammar and logic, I was able to find some "facts"
So are you agreeing with me then? Football is a bad idea, and swimming is a good idea?
They already let their employees open and play games, then sell the used games as new. This is the next logical step.
I would disagree. While they may get injured playing sports, getting exercise will make them stronger and their bodies less susceptible to injuries in the future. Of course not football in 100 degree weather, but swimming works.
So Colorado had a 5.3 this morning, almost as strong as the one on the east coast. Certainly falls into both of your points, since they haven't had one of that magnitude since 1973.
Don't think there is an "aftermath" from such a tiny tremor.
So apparently there are a lot of pussies on the east coast? 5.anything isn't even enough to frighten a child. . .
Blood Tsunami is actually a really fucking good band.
Yea, I know they knew how to play the game.