I have a DS. Played those. Said HD.
I have a DS. Played those. Said HD.
Where's our proper 2D Castlevainia in HD? SOTN2?
Without the sandbox bullshit please.
They're 30, get your mind out of the gutter, Frenchy!
You can buy prints from his website that are very reasonable. Just bought 2 of his disney girls as presents for my little sisters.
I clicked through to link to his work. Thanks for saving me the trouble!
Paying for virtual clothes is a crime worse than racism.
That's actually a great idea.
$55 is especially insulting when it's $59 new. . .
Why don't they just hack up grass to find more Rupees like I do?
That's my point, he does not acknowledge the fact that the games ARE restricted from children.
However, if you watch the whole episode, during the interview that follows, Stewart explicitly says several times that he believes that it should be illegal for children to buy those types of games.
Are these officially licensed, or are they piggybacking off of someone else's IP?
I stand corrected. Looking it up, Power stone was released about 2 weeks after the first Smash Bros.
No, It's an attempt at an opinion.
You consider Smash Brothers hardcore? I had always considered it casual, since it's really just a button-masher.
I'm a western gamer, thirty, could take or leave CoD, and love game designs that aren't realistic.
I like his designs. He is a very talented illustrator.
What Japan does wrong is come up with cool, original designs.
I've never worked late to make a deadline. . .