
@dragonfliet: I never insulted people who like Halo. I acknowledged that a lot of people do, and very mildly insulted the game, but never said anything derogatory against the gamers themselves.

Everyone has the right to their own opinion.

I love Treasure, but Radiant Silvergun might be the most overrated shooter ever.

@BlackVanguard: I don't think that there's anyone left that doesn't know it's fake by now.

@Nintendocrazed: Yea, I saw the original too, in a Magritte Exhibit in the MOMA in San Francisco.

12 might be the most intelligent Mario Joke ever. . .

@GamingTheory: I'm missing something, what IS that? It's one of the worst drawings I've ever seen. . .

@WhoKnew?: I think that's the point. If you really wanted it, you'd do all the bullshit.

@Weirdwolf: Granted, most games appropriate for young gamers appeal to both genders, but my nephew likes transformers and my niece likes princesses.

I don't have children, but I think this is a great idea for a gift guide. You should find someone with a daughter to write a counterpart.

Great that they are nerfing projectiles, I felt that they were pretty easily exploited.

@Ethereus: it might be a sign of a sequel.

@Chewblaha: personally, I loved the single player. I thought the story was strong, and had no problems with the control scheme.

@Chewblaha: I got way more than 7 hours out of Uncharted, the multiplayer was the most fun, original multiplayer experience in years.

"Last year it was Uncharted 2"

@sharibetsu: there is nothing politically incorrect about the word "panties", it is a perfectly acceptable word for female underwear.