
@fillerbunny9: Also in a tanning bed next to the sunburned survivor.

I am so sick of these partial exclusives.

@urfe: Gaw, leave it to someone who actually LIVES in Japan to make intelligent arguments on the subject. . .

@Jun284: No, but many Kotaku readers claim that Japan is "racist" against America. Sometimes they use the word "xenophobic", but usually when someone goes on a rant about why the 360 isn't popular over there, they use one or both terms.

Does this mean the Xbox fanboys (who have never been to Japan or met a Japanese native) have to stop calling Japanese people racists that hate american products?

@Gord-a-tron: Probably because of time zones. Midnight hits the east coast first.

@Grimm808: You aren't, that's Nevada I think.

@Liquid-X: That drawing is Awful.

Where can I get a boner tie?

@SewerShark: Please don't soil his intelligent argument with the old "Japanese are Racist" trolling. It is simply not true.

@Masterpain22: And it is about LEVEL DESIGN, not AI, damage modeling, etc.

@Møbius: Then they can also see if it can track someone who is unbelievably overrated!

@Fearia: My wife bought me a Go for Xmas last year, i never would have bought one as I already had a PSP 2000 and around 10 games on UMD.

@Shell_Kracker: Why are so many people opposed to having a little imagination in their games?

@Stephen Totilo: Not to mention that No Russian was sort of shoehorned into the game, it was a short level that was only in the game for shock value. I didn't feel empathy for the civilians, they were the same generic, faceless non-characters you shoot throughout the rest of the game.

@ToastyUterus: I still don't think they help anything, you can adjust the color settings on your TV.