
I didn't even need to see that to know I'm buying it as soon as I get home from work.

@SegFault: I think the sequel was largely based on Japanese sales, the game kinda bombed in America. Critics definately appreciated it, but it didn't translate into sales.

@Deaf Mute: Because there's no nudity, it's not "porn" and she is obviously not a "kiddy".

@Deaf Mute: Where do you work, a church? Nothing not safe about it.

@Legion329: Thanks for the info. Does the online stack up too? I would assume that it uses the same servers and netcode, but probably no cross-platform matches?

So has anyone played the Mac version? Is it comparable to PC?

@pandafresh: Agreed, the only thing I've used my DS for in the last 2 years was Spirit Tracks.

@Taggart6: Really? You're surprised that the PRC is trying to censor something?

@prawnmatic: But Ghibli is the Disney of Japan, and Pixar bought out Disney, so Nintendo is the Kevin Bacon of analogies.

Can't believe they used the name Mjolnir for something so stupid.

It's too bad that companies feel like they need to render all their graphics in 3D, regardless of whether the game itself is 2D. While I applaud the "comeback" of 2D, I feel as though sprite animation as an art form is dying.

@DocSeuss: No consequences for slapping him around.

@Xagest: That's what I've been wondering, at their press conf, they kept saying "yours to keep for the life of your subscription", which leads me to believe you don't get to keep stuff if you cancel your script.

Mario had precision control, and no lag.

@mindsale: I hope you mean HD, not 3D. The sprite art made that game, 3D would ruin it. I'd love to play it without the horrible slowdown, Grim Grimoire too.

@Bugoongu: Don't try to talk logic to the trolls, they don't understand.

@Madgame: Photoshop contest!

@DirdenT: Those million bands probably already have tracks to download by now. She's the bottom of the barrel. . . .

Great categories.