
Its my experience that cars with an open floor plan, so to speak, kind suck because you can’t use the space. What’s the point of putting feet down there if there is no center seat (that’s a whole other thing) and anything you put down there for storage is just asking to slide all over the place and cause issues. To

There’s something so displeasing about people of colour playing the role of some of the most oppressive and bigoted people of to ever walk the earth. 

These are not hard to account for, really.

Come on, Jalopnik writers. I expect you understand why we can’t “just ban fossil-fueled cars at the moment” and this is just a troll. The problems with this statement, in no particular order...

That leaves Toyota. Let’s be frank, Toyota has done a pretty piss-poor job of preparing for the electric future, having gone all-in on hybrid tech. That pairing kinda makes sense, no?”

Democrats like Biden, Clinton and Obama are basically pre-Reagan republicans. People like Bernie and Warren aren’t “far-left, just left-leaning centrists.

They had to rethink the comic start to finish, Butcher’s wife (and the kid) aren’t alive by the time the show starts.  The seven don’t implode, ever... they cleaned up a lot of Ennis’s over the top stuff that’s never gonna play. This whole subplot is new, as is the Deep/scientology thing. It’s all uncharted. I don’t

We really don’t know Neumann’s intentions yet or if she’s in the pocket for Vought, or anything. She is clearly pretending to be a progressive in order to hide whatever her true intentions which we’ll find out. And even if she does really have progressive views, are you arguing that progressive politicians can’t ever

Two electric bikes, two electric pickups, and they built brand new charging infrastructure along the route. No, nothing of this scale has been done before.

atheists who reject religion but embrace…heteronormative android parenting?”

What does one have to do with the other?

why having two gendered parents was so important to the atheists who reject religion but embrace…heteronormative android parenting”

You’re probably going to fucking die in a flaming mass of splattered flesh and crumpled bones with the jetpack, but it still beats flying with United.

Opinion 1: Boycotting sports events is a distinctly US-centric gesture which should not be done in other countries where it may not be relevant.

I feel like you’re really leaving Gamora and Nebula in the dirt here. Nebula doesn’t even get a mention! GOTG2 took time to let the two of them fight, talk it out, sort of reconcile but not really, and then kept it going across timelines and alternate universes in Infinity War and Endgame. The fanservicey theatrics of

Emperor’s new groove? Ok zoomer

Crouching Tiger should have been number 1. You put an Ethan Hawke-Hamlet movie on this over Memento? This list is abysmal. There is maybe three movies on this I genuinely enjoyed.

I think the Griffith is kinda an okay design. Still not sold on the front end but the side exhaust is a nice touch but it does not hold a candle to Sagaris. This is the best looking TVR ever. The Sagaris stunned me when I first saw it amd still does to this day.

This may be one of those things where people say “he shouldve kept his opinion to himself”, which is true. But its his opinion. We’ve reached the point in society where someone needs to publicly apologize for the fact that he said hes not attracted to a woman other people thinks is attractive. He said nothing wrong,

I think every human who has ever lived has discussed the hotness of someone else at some point. I’m kinda confused why we’re either shocked or furious about this. Beauty has always been an opinion.