@Enorym: That is a 1955 Chevrolet hood orament. THIS is a 1954 hood ornament.
@Enorym: That is a 1955 Chevrolet hood orament. THIS is a 1954 hood ornament.
The grill shows its clearly not a '32
Why do they always have to have way too many skylines?? they are good but not that good.
@RainyDayInterns: ah yes the Broken window fallacy...
moving on...
as an automotive design student, I want this.
@snapoversteer twts teh body elctrc: they probably do; a lot of them have been horribly abused and have not had regular maintenance which is crucial with a turbo which most of them are.
@GTRbrian: Star Trek The Next Generation. Check and mate.
@evil.attorney: It's called the Libertarian Party.
@flyingstitch: you can clearly tell its a Nissan Cube by the corners that are slightly rounded.
@Timtoolman, tornadoes are my friends!: he actually is considered one of the best. also his father is a legend.
@Triborough: He actually is one of the more noteworthy practitioners of the Baja 1000 and Dakar.
First one was good for the first 20 seconds... then they kinda lost me. The volt is no '55 Bel Air.
As a fellow Massachusetts resident. I must say that these cars would be considered drivers and great condition. they would never find these in a junkyard around here. Always hurts to see people from away who complain about rust and junk cars when they are not that bad.
@Triborough: A four seater weighing less than 1000lb of course its going to be not just impractical and silly but impossible.
sooo basically it is the plot of the first season of Caprica... in reality.