The first thing I thought of when I read NSFW spherical monsters was this Woody Allen scene
The first thing I thought of when I read NSFW spherical monsters was this Woody Allen scene
The trailer looks wonderful, but trailers always do. The fact that it's opening in March doesn't help. But I'll remain optimistic and look forward to this.
I used to have a fear of driving. It started slowly, with occasional panic attacks. It was made worse because at the time I didn't know what a panic attack was. It got worse, and I eventually gave up driving and stopped renewing my license.
This is not intended as snark, I genuinely would like to know: can all the TVD fans here please post their ages? I have a working theory that it's like the sign outside some carnival rides "You must be under THIS age to enjoy TVD".
I'm lactose intolerant, but Lactaid works great for me (I actually use the generic version from Sams). I use 2 if it's just something with cheese on it, or 4 if it's something actually made from milk, such as ice cream. My supermarket also sells lactose-free ice cream, but only in vanilla (but it's pretty good).
Oh, I don't know...a Galaxy Quest series that lampooned scifi tropes might be fun. Or even a Larry Sanders type show where half of it is behind-the-scenes. And a teenaged Doc Brown might be fun, esp. if they did a good job of recreating WWII-era midwestern America.
"The Art of Gorilla Management" heh
I stopped watching halfway through episode 18. I keep waiting for all this acclaimed bonkerness to start, but all I keep thinking is how much simpler things would be if Bella would just let Angel's less-attractive brother kill Rob Lowe.
Ok, I just watched the first 12 episodes. It turned out I'd already watched the first 6 when they originally aired and completely forgotten about them. Is this as good as it's going to get, or should I chug through a few more episodes before giving up?
I'm concerned my Y chromosome will prevent me from enjoying it. And that I'll only learn that after enduring many hours.
Is this show any good? Where would it be on the Supernatural/Buffy spectrum? Does it get better after the first few episodes? It would almost have to.
Aspartame gives me seizures. Hearing all the doctors and neurologists tell me how that's impossible made me the cynical jerk I am today. Well, that and the seizures ruining my marraige and keeping me unemployed for 10 years (that's how long it took me to prove it was the aspartame).
What, no love for Georgio Moroder and "Cat People"?
God that was horrible! I'm an old white man and even I can tell that would have been a bad cliched rap imitation 20 years ago. Just because it's about Firefly doesn't make it good. Get some standards, people.
If the Sixers end up being an undercover group from the alternate timestream whose goal is preventing them from ruining said timestream for billions of alternate humans, I'll start watching again. Someone please notify me if that happens (not gonna happen).
Why does Elmer/Ozzy have boobs?
Is Mayim Bialik pregant? Her tummy looked a bit bulgy last night, and I thought I spotted some "hide the star's pregnancy" tricks. It would be fun to see them write that into this season's plotline.
Or then again, perhaps it's just that genre fans have no conception of what "character-driven" means. Any show with disposable leads, that recasts its main character 11 times and subsidiary characters many more times than that, cannot possibly be considered character driven (I won't even include the robot dog).…
It's actually quite simple: genre is by definition plot driven. And character-driven will always trump plot-driven, all other things being equal. Rant all you want about the great scifi characters, but if the show couldn't exist without the warp drive, then the most important element of the show is the warp drive.…