Ewok toys?
Ewok toys?
Whew! What a relief! The last thing I need is piranhile dysfunction.
Carrot Top does look like a comics D-list villain. Complete with steroids and gadget-theme.
I think you mean Cyborg Bugs Bunny.
All very well and good, but let's not forget O.W. Holmes was a supporter of eugenics and forced sterilization. So, I'm not quite ready to make him a hero of science.
I misread that title...
Are you seriously challenging Hollywood to make a worse product? You fool!
He was once a rugged demon fallen from grace on the wrong side of good vs evil. Now's he trying to right the wrongs of others and bring some balance to the city of angels. Tonight on Fox, he's Lucifer PD.
What we need is for someone to take the concept of Land of the Lost and redo it in a completely serious way with good special effects for the Sleestak. God I still remember the pylons that had the crystals in it that could control the weather. Then to find out the Sleestak had an evolutionary regression to become…
But like with many of the red-lined imgurs and conspiratorial posters that have fueled this controversial group for the past few months, all it takes is a little digging to uncover that this week's big GamerGate freakout is based on half-truths, flimsy evidence, and claims that are, at best, totally misleading.
Look at those Cheeks! OH MY GOD NOOOOOOO
I'm pretty sure Spotify for books is called "your local library."
Guess How Many Explosions Are In The First Transformers Movie?
Still disappointed this movie didn't receive an Oscar nod. Boo.
Then why did you click the link? Just to bitch?
The Wolfman of Wall Street?
What exactly is this zombie after?
I'll believe it when I stop seeing it.
Good news but I will believe it when I see it.
orange is the new brachiosaur