
While it is true that 30fps doesn't really have any advantage over 60fps in delivering a cinematic experience their is one thing that you are completely forgetting about consoles. They are fixed hardware. No matter how beautiful and cinematic you could make a game look at 60fps on console there is absolutely no

Considering the speed at which graphics cards have been advancing it wouldn't really matter how powerful they attempted to make it. Even if they made a $600 dollar machine while taking a $100 loss on each one, it would still be outdated in three years. Ultimately it wouldn't compete with PC in terms of power and it

Every console is technically "maxed out" at launch. It isn't like they are just going to leave a gig of RAM and some excess processing power just lying around for kicks. Launch games are just as technically demanding as games later in the cycle. It is just that the later games are much more efficient and play to the

How are they a disappointment? What, did you expect for them to be $3,000 dollar machines with two Titans each in order to remain completely future proofed throughout the entire generation?

You're assuming that the average person even still owns a desktop. A lot of people just have there smartphone, tablet, and laptop and don't even bother wth desktops outside of work anymore.

It's too bad that they never got around to adding a file share to the console edition of Minecraft.

If you search through your TV's settings you might be able to find a color slider (usually it is somewhere near the brightness and contrast settings). Set it to zero and your TV will now be in Black and White.

Kenichi:The Mightiest Disciple fits that criteria to a T.

He isn't assuming, there are actual quotes from multiple devs of Mass Effect 3 confirming there intent pr-release.

But they do have the right to ask for change. Asking for change and expressing your displeasure go hand in hand. I don't now why the simple act of wanting change is so terrible. Sure some people went to far with it but the guy who decided to do something silly like sue over it does not represent every single fan. In

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I'm not sure wh?. You do realize that gamers weren't just upset because it wasn't what they wanted right? It was also because the endings giving were not only ridden with plot holes but also didn't even match up with the theme of the game. In the end you were forced to just throw away everything you had ever believed

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No. In fact it consistently had a frame rate that was consistently 4-8 fps lower than its 360 and Ps3 counterparts. And it didn't even look any better than the last gen version to boot.

What would be the point in selling your Vita in order to get the slightly inferior version of the Vita?

It has always been a nit-picky show from the very beginning. That is pretty much the entire point. Really, I think your nostalgia for the earlier episodes has overtaken your better judgement.

Yeah, I was honestly hoping that they would have used this version instead.

Well, to be fair it is only 2 hours for the main missions. With the side missions it could be 6-7 hours for all we know.

Unless you have a reason for not getting Xbox Live then it doesn't actually matter. And really how many people are into online gaming and wouldn't get the subscription anyway. It is only a problem if you are being forced into it. Which you really aren't since it is a really good deal, and there is no reason for anyone

I don't see how the paywall is really a problem. Really if you have a console and you have and internet connection you would have to be a fool not to pay the subscription and take advantage of all the free games, sales, and online content that you get for it. Sure on paper it looks less appealing, but it really is a

Actually the biggest problem right now is the fact that the PS4 has a much more powerful GPU that the XB1. Even without the Kinect the XB1 would still be the weaker of the two by a considerably large margin.