
Mmmmm, Jeri Ryan... (said in my best Homer Simpson voice imitation)

Oh just suck it up and quit. It's easy. I've done it hundreds of times...

Antennas and other uninhabitable adornments are rarely counted in measuring true building height. One World Trade Center is 1368 feet to the roof, Willis Tower is 1451 feet to the roof.

The Willis (Sears) Tower in Chicago is taller than Empire State building and the Freedom Tower. Not surprising it wasn't included, since New Yorkers always seem to forget there are other places in the United States besides New York.

Needs Pulse Jets...

I hope he had insurance, and even then, I bet the deductible is a bitch...

Needs Pulse Jets....

This seems so beautifully simple, it makes me wonder why it took so long for someone to come up with it.

I took some online college courses a couple years ago where supplementary text and the actual textbooks were delivered as PDFs. I found it a challenge to read the PDFs on my laptop, and most of the time ended up printing them. I would have to test using a textbook on a Kindle before committing to it. As mentioned

I see people with opinions on both sides. I did not realize there were so many Netflix fanboys out there that that were so quick to defend Netflix's recent actions. I dropped streaming and kept the DVDs because I get fast turnaround from Netflix and I'm too lazy to go to Redbox. I'll switch to streaming when the

No Space Travel For You!

What part of "Netflix's streaming content is subpar" does Netflix not understand? When I can watch most of their streaming TV content for free elsewhere, and I can't get first run releases via streaming, of course I'm going to continue with the DVDs. Apparently they need a rocket scientist to figure this out.

I use my 16gb nano for times when I don't want to risk getting my iPhone 4 trashed (like mowing the lawn). I also use it in the car (where it stays the rest of the time) instead of my iPhone. I don't see me changing my behavior until a replacement (unsubsidized) iPhone costs < $200, or they stop making iPods.

Nothing better than an empty airport. Sign me up!

I see a lot of talk about how they need the extra revenue to improve the streaming content, except I haven't seen anything from Netflix that confirms this. If they had come out and said they were raising rates, along with vastly improved online content, I don't think people would be so angry. I will stick with the old

How about a way to block calls and SMS without jail breaking the frickin' phone? Why is that so hard to do?

If they were green, and instead of Iron Man, it was Captain Kirk, this could be from Star Trek.

I had a 1985 928. The water pump started leaking. I traded it in...

I double dog dare you to stick your tongue in there...

I hear you (pun intended). I went through a bunch of in-ear models until I found these. The M16/21/11 all are about the same size. You might want to keep a watch on their web site, or twitter feed. They frequently have specials where you could pick up a pair of M16s cheap (I seem to remember around $15). If they fit,