
Sure a blizzard guy didnt finally get a look at swtor?

I think the solidifying point for it for most was the tomb raider barington harvey shit where they out and out admitted they wanted reviews below 8/10 to be held till after the release.

True. Not to sound eliteist, because i think everyone should give it a fair try, but its like people complain that demons souls is hard. some things arent made for the casual audience, and if they dont like it and complain, why are they interested to begin with? art style i guess?

Very true unfortunately. In my experience tf2 is the only competitive game like this , and thats a stretch i know, that doesnt see your first foray end with some variant of "get the fuck out br noob faggot".

So just like diablo 3 paragon levels they are tacking on something useless and stupid to get people with an addictive personality feel the need to keep playing long after the game has lost its luster.

haha oh man, take a look at that shoop job on the left one. Nice costume and all, but just because you can use the warp and distort tools doesnt mean you should lady..

absolutely not. its called the spread sheet mmo for a reason. there is no harsher learning curve that takes so long to get into playing.

biggest problem with the vita: they arent selling it as a games console, they are selling it as "the thing that changes all the rules" but the ads are just a dude playing fifa or a gal playing little big planet.

I was half expecting an image of the pokemon breeder telling ash to "get lost and stop pushing his CISscum ideals on pokemon" or something.

protip: buy nothing whilst leveling expect maybe some bags as you need them. if a quest offers no gear upgrade pick the reward that vendors for the most. Throw in a few random dungeons and youll have up to 40gish by about lvl 20 without gathering.

Man, i subscribed to tor for a while, it wasnt worth paying then. Do they think a truncated, punishing version of it as a "first taste being free" will get people to say "oh yeah, more of this please"? When its a worst experience than what they charged for that wasnt so hot to begin with?

"-army of two-" and just like that i'm out.

im not the worlds biggest halo fan but isnt this one being made by a bunch of the metroid prime guys? id say its in safe hands.

Man, bears paws freak me out for some reason. like they have too many digits or something i dunno. just me?

was he trying to be funny or just nervous? i feel like i watched a steve bruhl unboxing.

some of those are in my top games of all time. its disappointing to think how many games never get a digital download and older stuff like many sega saturn games never got a back up by their devs and are lost to time. Games like panzer dragoon just lost to time...

oh yeah, my favourite was "i didnt make it because the Sun told me not to".

I would think EA are far too long in the tooth in the greed game to try something that would be so easily traced back to them. My moneys on capcom.

step 1: take an existing 90's pc ip people nostalgia about fondly - or make something that panders to it claiming 'inspired by'

bloody hell the woman doing the first 2 resi 5 catsuit jills look eerily like bonnie mcfarland from red dead redemption.