NFL needs to limit coaches to 3 punts a half, like they are timeouts.
NFL needs to limit coaches to 3 punts a half, like they are timeouts.
Has anyone done a welfare visit to Matt Farah?
Since zero white people attend Houston Dynamo games, I'd say no.
Why can't these fans just get drunk and fight each other like normal fans?
I think it’s a case of already having the online infrastructure out there and working and trying to bring new ways to make money off it.
So this death trap is now heavier?
Congratulations on breaking the Autotrader “Fair Price Calculator” with that listing.
My 2007 Infiniti had a feature where you can stick the dead key fob in a slot on the dash and the car would run and drive, it’s not that hard Tesla.
So its boring preachy bullshit?
Jalopnik’s hatred of Uber, et. al. continues. snooze.
Ah man. This sucks.
I mean, I don’t HATE it...
Why not use the billions of other acres that aren't roads?
Makes it harder to repair or access the road, however.
Some gov't official got a nice bribe to green light this stupidity.
That interior is pure LOL.
Man hands and a 5- head.
Also lost were Rick Ware's balls.