
Was wonder the same thing. Im surprised that most of these countries dont have it yet.

I think shed reconsider more than just having a baby with you...

All the puns! They burns!

The number scheme is something that even the most ignorant of consumers understand, I seriously doubt they are going to leave it behind and jump on the HD bandwagon...

Once again. I have mine on military suspend right now and I'm about to come home from deployment. I just want to make sure they plan on giving my unlimited back before I even start worry about throttling.

You do know about the the side bar that gives you the gist of the article, right? Look under the "Should you play this game?" for anything you want to know in a nutshell.

Sadly if no one buys this one, there won't be a another one that's better because there won't be another one at all.

Thanks for the tip on JP. I've been kinda leery of it, but at 10 bucks, I'll take the leap.

*sigh* More and more DLC for UMvC3 and no Jon Talbain. Not that you, or anyone else cares Capcom, but if you won't add him, I won't buy it... Well, unless it gets REALLY cheap, then I'm kinda obligated... BUT NOT TIL THEN!

Funny, that's pretty much how it sounds in my head.

Anyone else start hearing the music from the game in their head while looking at the pictures? No? I'm the only crazy one?

HD version! Woot! Now get crackin on XBL/SEN/Steam version of Sonic Adventure 2 already! Preferably in HD.

That sort of statement always scares me. My parents had/have a habit of getting rid of things while I'm away.

White controllers, like pretty much anything in white, look good at first... then as time goes on, start looking dingy. I'll stick with black.

Current design vs current design, the Xbox has the better look. Maybe I'm just a sucker for shiny plastic, but the Xbox seems higher quality than the current PS3.

not bad.

Did the same with the PS3, plus I still have a few 360 games I picked up when I was on leave. Once I get home next month my back list is going to be huge. Hell, I haven't completed the original Alan Wake yet.

I too waited to pick the Dreamcast at closeout prices, but I ended up with a ton of great games and accessories for next to nothing thanks to it... Unfortunately, I gave it to a younger cousin who traded it all in for a 360 Arcade and probably got crap all for it. Oh well, got another one recently off of eBay.

Kind of agree. When I went to see FF:SW, nothing seemed very "Final Fantasy" about it and that was a real turn off. In fact, until I read this article I wasn't aware a Japanese firm made it, it, I thought it was made Stateside because, as you pointed out, it seemed too Western.

So... um, where would the creepy part come in?