Oh Lordy
Oh Lordy
Oh get over yourself.
Yeah yeah, missed the most important bit, winner gets to drive the entire time, with aforementioned damsel's mouth covered with duct tape. Unless, you know, she's into road head.
BMW was mentioned at some point too
V8 Supercars nudge 300kph through the chase
Just wondering, when does something not explode into "flames"?
Did you REALLY include the word "fallout"? SMH
Oh great, und i but they uxpuct Lixus to guve thim a new one eh
Yup Drills weren't made for jacking up a ton+ of car.
I Fucking HATE this ad, i wish they'd ban it altogether.
Full video fail.
@61Below: You win. Single? lol
@DrunkenMessiah: What's a looser?
@Erik_says_this: Not nearly as much as it was.
@wild7s: The Malloo is a Hi-Po model...
Couldn't ya'll find a more up to date model for the pic?