
Lets see, a mid seventies Ford Escort, a couple of VW's, and an old Datsun perhaps?

Ah from the land if inbreeds, what would you expect.

@Van Sarockin: Everything forward of the B Pillar is the same as the G8 Sedan.

I can't Believe Infiniti aren't raising hell for having one of the best midsized luxury cars available being bastardized like this...

Yup yup, i can see the Walmart employees lining up now. Not.

HA! Gotta love GM quality. Or lack there of. That there my friends is a predesesor (spelling i know) to your Pontiac G8 ST

Well it may look better, but will that stop morons who can't drive buying them?

@microcars: Don't worry, i'm sure the next edition of Motortrend will be roughly 50% GM advertisement.

@ndgoalie35: 5 free to air, Channels 2, 7, 9, 10 and SBS. Then you have Foxtel. (pay TV)

Financial Crisis? What financial crisis?

I880 between the maze and Oakland Collusium.

@nollid51: 700 billion dollar bailouts, 25 billion dollar bailouts for Detroit becuase Detroit has been too stupid re product planning and []

@SCROGGS!: We had one of those Benz's when i was a teenager... loved it!

Can't wait!