
Screw American AND British beer and cars... buy a Falcon and crack a VB!

And of course they HAD to upgrade the brakes to cope with the extra unsprung weight right?/sarcasm

@ihateauditions: It can be upgrade/updated. And along with the nav system, which becomes touch screen, you also get the HDD for music, Compact Flash media card input, voice recognition for controlling Nav, HVAC, phone and audio and XM Navtraffic :P

A four door Solara? That would make it a, ummmmmm, a CAMRY!

i'm confused now

Who cares...

Love it...

@Rock517: Audi really need to relocate either the cupholders, or the MMI controls. Countless consumers spill drinks on the controls and fry the MOBO underneath, which Audi won't cover under warranty..


The original GT...

Valiant VG Pacer Coupe...

@Dollarbill4: Concentrate now... Infiniti... not InfinitY!

Fancy that, someone doing boring better than Toyota..

Does the CD player rip cd's to the harddrive?

Are there any other Diesel powered bikes in existance?

Only another 18 months to wait...

Bloody thing better have cupholders!