Dr. Headcrab

I’m firmly in the boat of “Ah yes. There we go. Now all the horrible things that happened are gone because we changed the name of this character we named after a dude who did bad things” being really, really stupid. It’s a gimmick to earn PR forgiveness at the lowest-possible price-point that accomplishes nothing and

My friend, you grossly overestimate 2020's redditors if you think they’re any less obnoxious and awful than they were in 2010. They do serve as great models for how to be an unlikable clod, though.

Oh, Matthew. If only you’d bothered to sharpen that rapier wit of yours before bringing a sword to a gun fight, that might have at least struck a nerve. But, considering that a quick perusal of the ol’ Kinja Vaults confirms that you’re essentially the walking embodiment of a ‘Bad Takes’ tiktok compilation, I’m not

Oh hi there, sad internet denizen whose entire identity is “I dislike popular thing, please notice me”. I just wanted to say that I see you. I hear you. I pity you, but I notice and acknowledge you. I hope this has helped to make your day better in some small way.

INCLUDING all the ‘mouth sounds’ and ‘pops’ and ‘hiss’ that people are complaining about.

I mean, that’s the thing right. You can’t do this without faithfully preserving the AWFULNESS that is the original’s stilted, spoken-in-an-echoing-room-with-no-furniture dialogue delivery. Deus Ex was a lot of things, but “well voice-acted” is not one of them.

If you haven’t seen that before, then you haven’t played enough Halo 2. The Aim Assist in Halo 2 was like having someone with a second controller in another country second-guessing all your shots.

“In practical terms, coexistence between different groups does require sacrifice, but it’s never a life-or-death consideration. Nobody has to take medication in order to stop being prejudiced against people who are different from them.”

The joke is that Summer is ending. Autumn and winter are in the wings. The days become shorter, and darker, and colder, and everything Praise the Sun guy cherishes goes away to be replaced by Hipsters hurling Pumpkin Spice at everything.

The only problem is that then ALL you see are Energizer Batteries and Verizon signs.

Once the modding tools are done, obviously.

Imagine being stupid enough to say that the media uses sanitized depictions of disability and tragedy by slapping it onto the framework of an attractive, most-likely white person to manipulate people into seeing these things and ‘not being so bad’ while also paying lip-service to how “progressive” and “modern” they

I too use rumors and hearsay to serve as the basis of my hatred of certain peoples! There’s no way that a mob of self-entitled egomaniacal sociopathic douchebags with an axe to grind could ever lead me and my need to express my vile loathing for other humans astray!

Hi there, person making a demonstrably false argument by virtue of my mere existence.

A 40% dip in ratings.

Y’know, a crushingly massive multi-billion dollar corporation whose product is poison...

It’s... not bullshit, though?

Don’t be ridiculous. He’s a... Nintendo Switch.

You just kind’ve have to be in the right mood for being a huge jerk for no reason. If you’re not, it just feels kinda bad.

Yeaaah, don’t actually elucidate me. I’m just being an ass. Don’t mind me. It’s not as fun today. Guess it was a passing mood.