I agree, but sadly that’s not the state of things.
I agree, but sadly that’s not the state of things.
“Playtime is over.” - 358midscope
“Mr. Game & Watch? More like Mr. Pain & Whomp.” -GamePal
I thought the flip side would be abolishing the government and watching as all the animals of Animal Crossing return to their brutal, feral origins and begin hunting and devouring one another... with good ol’ Mr./Ms. Human trading in that slingshot for an Infantry Fighting Vehicle.
Strangely? It’s exactly as hamfisted as it needs to be to make any sense in the context it’s presented. It’s a comedic cartoon about Animal Crossing’s version of the Socialist Revolution, not some dry four-hour long philosophical debate about the pro’s and con’s of Socialism/Communism.
A 70% in my High School wasn’t average... it was failing.
Except that you’re wrong.
Except, you know, that an .esp is just a 3rd-party code which gets injected into the game and overwrites pre-existing code in the .esm file. The .esm doesn’t ACTUALLY change, therefore NOTHING is a mod unless it’s directly modifying the core .esm files of the game.
Let’s remember that Final Fantasy VII was a what... 3 disc long game? 4 disc long game? That’s not something that people in today’s world really understand fully sometimes... but by all accounts Final Fantasy games have been LONG and they have been SLOGGY. Plodding from one side of a virtual world to another, with all…
Hey, if this means they’ll be using this expanded episodic construction to actually fill in some of the plot holes and create a version of the story that actually makes a little bit more sense... that’s great.
This is exactly what the Brotherhood of Steel is about. They’re a group founded by soldiers who MURDERED the scientists they were ordered to protect when they discovered those scientists were responsible for horrifyingly nightmarish experimentation involving Forced Evolutionary Virus and other extremely dangerous…
I recommend any posting within the ranks of the Barbarian Horde, the Nords of Skyrim, or the Bearzerkers of the Northern Wastes.
I for one have always preferred to keep my bomb bay close to the kitchen. The fact of the matter is, when crew rotations come up short (be they due to personnel department failures or mass casualties at the hands of rebel terrorists), being able to momentarily go from buttering my Space Beef and Cheese sandwich to…
While this is indeed a more apt analogy, the fact remains that it’s still the incorrect one to be making.
To date he’s raised a very considerable amount of money for Child’s Play.
He records an episode every few days, I believe. Each one consists of two Minecraft days of walking, during which he comments on the status of their charity drive, procedural terrain generation, current events, and answers questions asked by folks who have donated to.
It’s definitely nice to see this pop up every now and again.
Oh hey! It’s Ronald McGeralt, from WitchBurger...
They seem to be handling the ‘plebs’ just fine, if the fact that said ‘plebs’ are still forking out money to this day counts for anything. It’s only the media and a few folks who fancy themselves ‘critics’ what like to shit all over Star Citizen what with their lack of realistic expectations for what an ambitious…
Yes, yes you do... but that doesn’t mean that you should.
Meanwhile, Fallout 4 is a game anyone following Bethesda has known was coming for the better part of a decade. Fallout 4 has been in production, if we are to believe what Todd says, at least six years. Why, then, is nobody snarling and howling and saying “What the fuck is taking you all so long?!” Why aren’t there…