Except the part where it has nothing to do with a transgendered person at all.
Except the part where it has nothing to do with a transgendered person at all.
Hell, the damn thing could have a body completely filled with lighter-than-air gasses and air-sac ballasts, allowing it to rise and descend as needed whilst using what are clearly -fins- to swim through the air.
Nothing tires me more than the entitled sense of self-import that the 'PUBLIC' places upon itself in matters of art. Honestly, it's just sad to see people say things like 'It looks like X to me' to the artist themselves, as if that should hold any merit or importance to the subject at hand. I certainly don't BEGRUDGE…
I think probably the biggest factor is the way SAO tells stories. Even if people don't particularly like the story it tells, and there are plenty of critics out there, the setting itself is rife with possibility. It set up the universe very well, right from the beginning. This is what's happening, this is why, this is…
I tend to be interested more in the ideas and the reasons behind why the reviewer says what they do, rather than whether or not they'll agree with me on the end 'rating' of the reviewed product. I value opinions other than my own, and as one gets to know a reviewer's preferences you can begin to estimate where your…
Don't you mean "...and the UFC looks forward to him working on its events again in 'never-the-fuck-again'?"
Science is plenty curious... it's not the fault of science that they can't afford to simply investigate everything. If it were FREE, people would be researching just any old damn thing they wanted to with the best equipment available 24/7. Whether or not that would equal any measurable increase in scientific progress…
I would like to state, however, that this is in defense of Kotaku and Nathan Grayson. Not Zoe and whatever flak she might be catching for her actions. Whether she was justified or not is not mine to say, as I am not privy to the evidence surrounding her many alleged violations of ethical conduct. I do, however, have…
I do believe you're missing a rather major part of the continuity here. That report came out BEFORE there was any involvement between the two of them. It was not an article about Zoe, but a show upon which she happened to be appearing. There was nothing to DISCLOSE because there was no relationship, Zoe received no…
Um, 'greaterdivinity'... What I don't seem to understand, and what I think most people who have replied to you seem to be saying, is what exactly you're talking about. Because the evidence is CLEAR that nothing untoward happened here on Kotaku's end of things.
No, no, that really was the point. And I'm very glad that, even if you claim it went 'over your head', on at least some level you understood it.
That's a bit of a long stretch, and I think you're falling into the all-too-common trap of 'reading too much into it'. That's okay, though. Not everyone is meant to find every joke funny. Some jokes just 'aren't for you'... and clearly this is one of them. What you see as disdain for blacks and women, I see as nothing…
How the crap many typos did I manage to throw into this one single post? Apparently, enough to warrant my replying to myself to apologize for terrible proofreading.
Combat was minimalized in DA2 because it was awful, and widely viewed as such by both the people TESTING the game and the audiences who bought it later. Dungeons were shortened in order to save on time AND minimalize the amount of interaction the player had with the combat system, because the less you had to deal with…