Doctor Sinister

I'd like to buy it when it reaches the UK but what totally ruined the Wii version for me was the insane idea to have the grass wear away when it's walked on. My town ended up looking like a desert. Not fun.

..."or even creating virtual universes within universes."

I did so!

I'd happily kill an entire species just to save myself, never mind the entire human race, but that's just me.

What an awesome idea. There could be a helipad on the shuttle deck (with the doors open), concerts in the engine room (with seating), hotel rooms in the saucer section, a restaurant just below the bridge and a swimming pool at the keel.

No-one hung out with me anyway, so I had nothing to lose. I was a typical nerd. Still am really (this was nearly 20 years ago).

My proudest moment was a day at work - Christmas Eve in fact - where we basically just had an office party. I'd taken one of my copies of RISK to work and I challenged 5 other people to a game of total world domination. I mopped them up in 90 minutes, targeting one enemy at a time so I could seize their cards and

No, it's by Gary Downie who was John Nathan-Turner's (the Producer of the time) partner.

I've got a copy of this, as well as the Doctor Who Cookbook from around the same era!

Sorry, this bit made me chuckle:

Really? I always assumed that "trailer" was reference to a trail of clips leading up to the film itself. Your explanation makes more sense.

Agreed. It's a travesty. I don't think the guy wrote much after that hack job.

I tried reading the novelisations of the Lord of the Rings trilogy but the author they hired has really thought about the movies way too much and added in a whole load of back story about the Elvish language and all sorts of other scenes that didn't appear in the films at all. They are overly long and just make a

Haven't played BF3 since SWTOR came out, but I'm really quite appalling at the game, unless I ditch the rifle and just sit there healing and reviving people. The map in the Paris Metro is best for that. Ribbons and awards galore!

Heavy Metal was my favourite BC2 map! 95% of my time was spent in that one zone.

Hmmm. I think the breaths are too close together. There needs to be more "down" time at the end, and then a gap. This makes me feel like I'm hyperventilating. childish.

There are some screenshots from Episode IV that appear to demonstrate that TIE fighters do indeed have some form of rudimentary shielding - cannon fire from the Falcon as it escapes from the Death Star appears to "splash" against an area of space directly below a TIE fighter as it approaches. However, yes, the point

Some of the battles in Babylon 5 were pretty intense.

Some of these are nice, but the Stormies setting up that E-Web cannon look awful and at least one of them seems to be hovering.