Doctor Sinister

That's not LEGO.

LEGO Doctor Who.

Good. He doesn't have a clue what he created all those years ago and is unable to recreate it. Bye George.

Took the words out of my, em, keyboard.

Always wondered why they didn't blow Yavin out of the way instead of orbiting it so they could see the fourth moon.

How much just to spin the planet?

Do what you like, I won't be watching it. I don't do 3D movies, full stop, and I already have this movie on DVD. Not my favourite SW film by any means, bu it has its moments.

I noticed that too. It was a poignant moment.

It's odd how it sank to starboard, and yet the damage is to the port side. I'd expect water to fill the side with the damage and for the ship to fall that way? Unless the whole of the keel is buggered, of course...

I'll second that - I absolutely hate Taris and those freaks really annoy the hell out of me. Like one of the other respondents, I went back to the fleet and spent a day on Nar Shaddaa. Now I'm back on Taris and hating every moment of it.

Thanks for the recommendations.

Personally I'm waiting for the third "Rivers of London" novel by Ben (Remembrance of the Daleks) Aaronovitch.

Seconded. Mailwasher has been my primary line of defence for years.

I'm playing as a Sith Warrior and I'm making evil decisions all the way. BUT I took Vette's shock collar off at the first opportunity. Why? I figured she'd fight harder for me if I trusted her and she was free. I want a partner, not a slave. I can still be evil, but Vette's "affection" for me is way into the

The 3DS is glossy but doesn't slip. The DSi was so rough it was seriously horrid.

Gloss is OK, it's when manufacturers go to the opposite extreme that I get annoyed. Take the Nintendo DSi as an example - such a horrid aggressive matte finish, awful to hold, it made my skin crawl. Hendheld objects should be smooth, not coated in sandpaper.

I loved The God Complex! That is all.

This explains why I am apparently such a bad player (!). That's good, I can blame something else now...

OK...I'm torn.