Doctor Sinister

That didn't take long!

I say we take off and nuke the place from orbit.

Freckles are brilliant - Mrs S is a redhead and I love her freckles.

I hope someone checks the sensor before using that camera, it might have a few specks of grit on it - and I know from experience that can just totally ruin a set of photos.

The effect is slightly ruined by all the flashbulbs going off at the bottom whenever anyone starts a jump. Would be better if it were completely dark.

Maybe he's dressed as a LEGO Minifig.

It's a start, but it should really say LEGO®.

Yep, I deleted all mine, in case the kids stumbled across it, but also because it's so easy to stream new stuff online. Oh, and Mrs S likes to watch it with me...

The one you've posted isn't Minifig scale though, and so it can't really be considered side by side with the model which has been blogged. It's easier to get angles and shapes with larger models, and takes a lot more skill with something to a smaller scale.

Mine gets a lot of use...alas, it has developed a fault as it sometimes blanks the screen and makes a droning noise, and won't then switch off. :-( I have to yank the power lead to reset it. I think I may need to take it outside and blow it away, like a faithful old dog who's had his best years. And then buy a

You can still make money whilst having it within the same continuity - you just don't HAVE to reference it. But not referencing it DOESN'T mean that you MUST deny it or "reboot it". This isn't some kind of binary on/off thing, for once you can actually have it both ways.

Time War - hell yes. Backstory? No, not so much - I like how the mystery has been kept for nearly 50 years as to who The Doctor really is. Sure, give little snippets away here and there, but I'd hate to see a whole film devoted to that, leaving no stone unturned - it would never be able to satisfy half a century of

1) You can use passing comments - you don't HAVE to ram the continuity down people's throats, but you can still leave it there.

No, no no no NO. Doctor Who does NOT need a complete "reboot" - not when you can easily link it to established continuity (even if it's only in passing) and STILL have all the other benefits of such a thing (new TARDIS sets, new Doctor, new Companions, etc.). Why fix what isn't broken?

There's NO WAY I'm doing an OTA update when it's the first, second, third attempt at such a thing - maybe with the fourth, once they've got it sorted, I might just possibly think about it. Perhaps.

Me too. I've never used Google Tasks tho' - instead I DL'd the iCloud add-on for MS Outlook and so I'm able to add all my tasks/reminders/contacts/calendar on the PC and sync' with my iPad and 4S automatically. It's pretty nifty.

How dull...Siri just provides a response via WolframAlpha. I was expecting something epic...

I was enjoying the hell out of this, and then Lis Sladen appeared and now, excuse me, I have something in my eye...

I didn't know you could do that (the mailing back to you thing - I'm in the UK). I think that's really cool - I'd be very annoyed if I'd forgotten to take my Swiss Army Knife from my pocket and had it confiscated.

Yes, I agree entirely. The Craig films aren't a reboot, they are a continuation.