
That looks badass... but is there some study that proves that hidden cop cars are better than clearly marked obnoxiously colored cop cars? Isn’t the whole point to deter crime, not hide in the shadows and hope something happens to catch a criminal and throw them in jail? Maybe they’d never have committed that crime if

Besides the “fussy” C-pillars there’s not much to complain about, in my opinion. Great looking car!

Woo boy. Glad to see there are still some people like you out there :)

I didn’t see it :P

There’s nobody to complain to on Jalopnik, clicking their share takes you here and it doesn’t tell you who shared it.

Really? Personal insults?

Guessing you missed the other 8 million times I replied saying I have no issue with the article, I have an issue that it’s plastered on the front page of Jalopnik. It’s not relevant there.

Heh, that could open up some interesting opportunities. Death Race 2016 anyone? :P

It didn’t ruin my day. Nothing wrong with the article at all, it’s a good article. Just shouldn’t have been shared to the front page on Jalopnik...

I’m not arguing that. The article is well written and all that jazz. Tyler’s a good dude and I pretty much agree with most of his pieces. I just HATE that things that are in no way relevant are shared across blogs the way they are on Gawker. It’s idiotic.

Far from it.

I’m well aware of how it works. It’s idiotic and I’m complaining about it.

Can I not reply to comments now either? Geez.

I clicked the link specifically to complain about it.


The first reasonable reply, have a cookie!

I’m well aware, which is why I’m complaining.

I enjoy military articles. This post has literally nothing at all to do with cars or other neat hardware though... Doesn’t belong on Jalopnik.

This isn’t a military hardware post, it’s not relevant.

I clicked on it to complain. Take your attitude elsewhere.