
Richard Burns Rally with RSRBR. Enjoy.

Yes please.

The only way you could CP this would be if you have some sort of unfounded hatred for awesomeness.

Sorry to hear that. I hope she doesn't "upgrade" to a newer Lexus, even uglier now.

They're also hideous.


No, got the displeasure of riding in one though.

Who gives a rats ass if it looks like it burnt out? You even go on to complain about rear fogs which are generally a vanity item in the US because people feel the need to show off their pointless fog lights. Lighting standards in the US suck, DOT specs are terrible. I install proper headlights with a properly oriented

Good call. Horrible car.

Why do you hate that? I'd rather be able to see their turn signal...

Local woman has a red one... Helps draw the eye away from that fat rump

Missed the Habu. You put a pic of the Habu in as the IME3.

Wow. I'd have had that idiot fired on the spot.

I'm unsure about this. Taylor Swift is awesome, but this is ridiculous.

Learn how to drive. Stop putting your car in neutral when coasting down hills. Modern cars (even older "modern" cars) shut off the fuel flow when the engine is engine braking. Better fuel economy and more control of your car FTW.

Considering I already drive to work in a car with "racing" seats and no radio, or riding a motorcycle... I'd love to commute in a DBR9.

Predictable. First they fucked over Meeke, now they're fucking over Sordo and everyone else that bought a Mini Countryman WRC. It was an extremely competent car, why BMW/Mini, why? :(

I've actually seen this thing on the road a lot... It had a side exit exhaust at one point. I guess it made it's way down to Asheville.

Leave the city to enjoy it.

Making me feel all old and shit. I remember that going down, lol.