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See Heroes Reborn and NBC*. This is how you do a fight scene.

They are incredibly massive animals. I grew up in an area with quite a few buffalo and have always had a healthy respect for them. Then I saw one chase a grizzly bear. I am officially scared of anything that chases a grizzly bear.

Hot take implies a quickly formed, possibly unfounded opinion. This is a long simmering, perfectly seasoned take.

Regardless, though, in Monsters, Inc it’s being used to destroy a wooden door. Because that’s an actual, legitimate usage of wood chippers I really don’t see the point in this being a connection to anything.

“Homage”, e.g., “Star Trek Into Darkness is not a homage to Star Trek II The Wrath of Khan; it is a badly-written, badly-executed and pointless rip-off.”

A few of these are definitely grasping at straws, but there were some good ones I didn't know about too!

If it modifies the code its a mod. Using silly examples to think they are relevant - most likely head trauma.

3D can be a good thing...

Well, the losses with traditional distribution were even greater going from camera negative to interpositive to internegative and finally to distribution prints.

Great for grading and cropping in post-production without losing any critical detail but the final footage won’t be in proper 8K. Most of my local cinemas are still on 2K, with a couple only just upgrading to 4K. If it’s a great film, it won’t matter what resolution it’s in.

If you purchase a product that is marketed as a heart rate monitor is it really wrong to expect it to work as advertised?

yeah fuck people who expect things they purchase to work as advertised.

Big misstep? Really bro?

No, they got a lesser version for $350.

Early adoption is not for the weak of wallet. Mine better be shipping in April.

This whole exercise was stupidly easy.

This looks like a picture of the Kidney Stones of Shannara.