
Turd, May I call you Turd?

News appearing on any News Wire doesn't mean is it completely unbiased or fair reporting, it also doesn't mean that it gets the coverage it deserves based on it's timeliness significance or importance when picked by Editors to be used in Newspapers and News Web Sites.

The basic, original

ShanequaDontLiveHereNoMo, aka you... :)

Sounds like a first world problem to me Shane, relax...

You beat me to it H.

I don't think this issue is as easy as any one commenter can post in the allotted space.

Meds, take them as listed on the Label...

"To deny this, is to deny reality."

Well, your Reality, at best...

Your life must be... uneventful.

Your Virtual First World Problem is small, young Jedi...

...My Multiplayer Warping / Stutter issue beats that hands down.

Getting a response to a hidden test starts the slippery slope of trying to correctly read the intentions and thought processes behind them...

For example, leaving a cup of anything you didn't ask for may also be a sign of strength and dominance, which sounds pretty important for some jobs like Management or Outside

Me thinks the uber wide use of the word Hipster is 100x more per day than the number of actual hipsters on the planet...

Weird, but it seems to be Hip to blame Hipsters for anything...

No one is laughing at Goat Simulator now, are they?

Goat Sim was just ahead of it's time...

Hipster? lol Nice try...

It is truly amazing how many defend a bad title on a bad article by trying to slam me for something or another...

But hey, go ahead. I don't get out much and appreciate the company... lol

No problem, I am here all week. Tip your Waitress!

Depends on how many Fans at the Game, and how many Dogs have Car Keys...

That is how we talk up here, its called dialect. So, not apologizing for that, especially to the local self appointed Grammar Nazi...

I would suggest a better diet, if nothing else to improve your... disposition.

You got me there... lol

Well, Mr Fong, if they provided a grammar checker as well, we would all look like Scholars, even the so called wannabe pretentious know-nothings like myself...

Heh Heh, have to appreciate the late, great Bill Hicks!