Ed Stewart

"I'm no pollyanna, and certainly am no optimist, but rapists and murderers don't typically choose their victims by creating a startup company."

VOTE: Char-Griller Akorn Kamado Cooker

Looks like my old Droid X from the front and sides...

*NOTE: Must also supply graham crackers, marshmallow and pointy sticks

Old Hat.. Anita and Arabella did it in the 70's!

THe Microwave wasn't a NASA spinoff. See here:

As a side note, the mosaic on the church in Huntsville is sometimes referred to as "Egg Beater Jesus" because of the way the robes loop back up like, well, an egg beater. Oh, and like most of these, the design of the steeple was intentionally aerospace themed.

A lot of the equipment goes into a system called GSAxcess, where it can be sent to other government agencies (if it can be repurposed). Once it leaves there, it goes into a system where schools and museums have chance to get it, either on loan or as a property transfer of ownership (this is what they just did for the

I believe he was a Nazi and an SS officer. As for his choice on timing of wearing uniforms, there are many photos of him surrounded by other Nazi and SS officers, and he is in business attire. Though what your wearing has no real bearing on who you are and what you think, especially not under such a violently

I'm skeptical that von Braun is in that image. I've scoured for a high quality copy of the image and in the best I can find, the little that is seen of his face looks far too old to be von Braun at that point in time. It looks almost like the pictures of him from his days working for fairchild, when he was in his

Sen-Dog approves...

Don't forget about the real Space Camp in Huntsville, AL.! :)

True! Old hat for NASA, still good stuff though. BTW, I work at Space Camp, actually the USSRC museum. Glad to see it left a lasting impression! We just recently started up bus tours of Marshall Space Center. They had shut them down after the 9/11 attacks, so no one was able to see the "Flat Floor" or other stuff for

My mother is a first generation US native. My Abuela (Grandmother), my great uncle (her brother) and two of my uncles (husbands to my mother's sisters) are all Cuban born and naturalized US citizens. My grandmother and her brother left when Castro started to rattle his sword, one uncle was a Marielito and the other

Yep. You win.

To be fair, the LK lander didn't contribute to the programs failure, but the the N1 was definitely a problem. 30 engines, each one paired to the one on the opposite side of the circle, so one one engine failed, the other would shut down> This balanced thrust well, but doubled your engine out rate! Of course, the real

Trust me, that's what we would LIKE to be doing... but Congress and Presidents have different ideas. And they're the ones that approve the budget.