
They were about to go all Tower Defense on the Germans, except for their little exhaust port oversight ...

Only hungry badgers? I keep platypi and porcupines, just so I can have something to dig morsels out later. Stupid meat gets stuck in all the wrong places.

No way, cause then they'd owe someone something, being Chinese I know how they opperate: it'd be the last thing they'd do! Besides, firing an ill-named rocket lets them flex their e-peen at the US some more. It's a 2 for 1! And we know how crazy they are for deals!

ya totally, came into the post hoping to see if there was a term for it. Funny thing, is that not only did the image disappear but everything surrounding my monitor as well ... then my eyes shifted and the image started to move around ...

In a rocket called the heavenly-used-condom.

No you see, I hit the pillow and wake up after 9.5 hours, not that I continually try and go back to sleep. So I'm inclined to think it's what my body currently needs. Also I start getting sleepy about 9-10 hours of my usual wake up time - it was rough hanging out with people when you start yawning @ 8:30 PM.

I'm considering one as I sleep currently 9.5 hours per night and when I wake up I don't feel -refreshed - afterwards. But to be honest, a bed is a huge investment and things with like tempurpedic and/or sleep number beds, how do you know what will work? I recall stores asking you not to lie down on their bed

or lack there of, reading all those periods actually made my heard hurt with all the abrupt stops.


Then Emerill will show you how to kick the color vibrancy up a notch ... BAM!

But doesn't econ 101 logically state that if there's a huge demand those days, prices would be up instead? Unless there's also a large-er supply going out that day?

Actually my point was my last sentence, albiet in a round-about fasion: "Not saying there aren't christian extremist groups and such, but it'd be an oxymoron." So no, it doesn't entirely support your point.

But does ATT expect you to put out? ... Do you?

Just as an FYI, the crusades was in retaliation to turkish aggression/invasion. Not only that, but the amounts of death is highly exaggerated. The former can be found on wikipedia (I know I know, great source), but the latter I had read elsewhere but can't recall.

but wouldn't puring cement in the other cylinders prevent the 1 cylinder from moving? If anything I think it'd be like disabling direct injection to the other cylinders except 1.

Or he'll be immediately hired by the US Army to fulfill their motto from years back (or still even?).

Methane is more often than not apt to pull double doody.

Wasn't really a target, I had actually forgotten the article mentioned it until your word choice reminded me of the south park episode with reverse bowel movements.

I agree, it's like us calling doctors - well - doctors or anyone with a phd. They've put in the time for the title and are therefore doctorates and calling them anything less would be pretty offensive.

Then your vision is off by 33% or so, you should probably get them checked.